Java Bringing together Docker, Grunt, Maven, EmberJS & MongoDB Abstract : Will it work? ... How can I be sure? ... Am I forgetting something? ... questions that pile up slowly and ruin our confidence once we cannot clearly answer them. For reasons like these we
FEST-Reflect AKKA Actor Dependency Injection Using Spring Abstract : Dependency Injection (DI) is refine flavor of Inversion of Control (IoC) design pattern. One of the software frameworks out there which provides DI implementation is Spring. AKKA on the other hand is
FEST-Reflect Testing AKKA Actors With Mockito and FEST-Reflect Abstract : One of the few frameworks implementing the actor model is AKKA. In fact AKKA is a lot more than just an implementation of the actor model, but within this post we are
Maven Backbone.Marionette - Skeleton of a JavaScript Web Application Abstract: The present article will give a brief introduction to a way of building JavaScript based web applications using RequireJS (version 2.0.1), jQuery (version 1.7.2), Underscore (version 1.3.
JPA 2.0 JPA 2.0, Hibernate, HSQLDB, and Google Guice Today's software recipe includes the following main ingredients (as Maven artifacts) Guice, Hibernate, JPA, HSQLDB, FEST-Assert, Apache Commons Lang, JUnit which we are going to put and mix in Eclipse 3.7.2