


Java Spring Jongo Spring Boot Spring Security Authentication Authorization Denormalization

Authentication & authorization with Spring Boot & MongoDB

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Abstract: What should we denormalize and what should we not? How many times have you heard this question in the context of MongoDB? As a follow up of this question there is often a counter example of how we used to do it with a relational database. In this art…


Java Maven Jetty Jongo MongoDB Docker Grunt EmberJS

Bringing together Docker, Grunt, Maven, EmberJS & MongoDB

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Abstract : Will it work? ... How can I be sure? ... Am I forgetting something? ... questions that pile up slowly and ruin our confidence once we cannot clearly answer them. For reasons like these we write tests - to be confident, to be certain, to sleep better…


Java Jongo MongoDB NoSQL

MongoDB With Jongo - Sleeves Up!

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Abstract : In this post you will find a brief introduction to Jongo - a fast, easy-to-use, Java-based querying library for MongoDB. There are plenty of articles discussing MongoDB around the Internet and it’s documentation is quite good. Thus, here you won’t f…