

AuthorIvan Hristov

FEST-Reflect Java AKKA Mockito Spring Awaitility FEST FEST-Assert Multithreading

Integration Test - AKKA Actor With Awaitility

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Abstract : Ever had an impression you're changing what you're observing by simply observing it? If you so, you may have hit a Heisenbug ([1], [2]). Well, OK, I agree that a more precise definition of "observing" is needed and that we can differentiate between…


Mac OS X Midnight Commander bash homebrew

Surviving Mac OS X Bash Terminal With Midnight Commander (MC)

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Abstract : Midnight Commander (MC) is one of the few tools I'm still using since I've been inducted into software engineering more than 10 years ago (for comparison I've changed 5 integrated development environments (IDE) ). MC is classified as "a visual file…


FEST-Reflect Java Maven AKKA Spring

AKKA Actor Dependency Injection Using Spring

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Abstract : Dependency Injection (DI) is refine flavor of Inversion of Control (IoC) design pattern. One of the software frameworks out there which provides DI implementation is Spring. AKKA on the other hand is "a toolkit and runtime for building highly concur…


Jetty WAR

Configuring Jetty With Exploded Web Archives

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Abstract : Having a great number of useful features, Jetty is one of the most popular servlet containers around. In this post we are going to prepare our test-bed with Jetty using exploded web archives (WAR) without any integrated development environment (IDE)…


FEST-Reflect Java Maven AKKA JUnit Mockito

Testing AKKA Actors With Mockito and FEST-Reflect

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Abstract : One of the few frameworks implementing the actor model is AKKA. In fact AKKA is a lot more than just an implementation of the actor model, but within this post we are going to concentrate on combining Mockito, JUnit and FEST-Reflect in order to faci…



Nested Java Field Access With FEST Reflect

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Abstract: For one reason or another it's often needed to access fields which are nested (sometimes deeply nested) within other fields. Of course you can write the logic yourself or (from now on) you can simply use the light-weighted framework FEST Reflect v1.4…


Maven UnderscoreJS BackboneJS Backbone.Marionette Handlebars TrafficCop Jetty

Backbone.Marionette - Skeleton of a JavaScript Web Application

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Abstract: The present article will give a brief introduction to a way of building JavaScript based web applications using RequireJS (version 2.0.1), jQuery (version 1.7.2), Underscore (version 1.3.3.), Backbone.js (version 0.9.2), Backbone.Marionette (version…